Following two enormously successful films, Jawan and Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan swept the big screen with his eagerly awaited third picture, Dunki. The movie had a slow start at the box office because of the lackluster response from the audience, despite the high expectations. The movie made just a few thousand rupees during the previous three days, but on Sunday—possibly as a result of the New Year’s holiday—it saw a significant increase in revenue, grossing a whopping twelve crore rupees at the box office. As a result, the movie has earned Rs 188.22 crore in domestic sales, according to Sacnilk.
Just over Rs 160 crore was made by Dunki in its first week of release. The weekend and the New Year holiday saw a significant 28 percent growth on Saturday, bringing in Rs 9 crore, despite a 14% decline in collections on Friday, when earnings were Rs 7 crore. On Sunday, the upward trend persisted.
Dunki was produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, which announced a worldwide box office receipt of Rs 361.30 crore.
Released the day before Prabhas’s blockbuster Salaar, which took in Rs 344.67 crore in India, Dunki faced fierce competition. The movie is quickly approaching the Rs 550 crore milestone worldwide.
Dunki did not achieve the same level of box office success as Jawan and Pathaan, two of Shah Rukh Khan’s other releases from the same year. With a worldwide total of more than Rs 1000 crore, Jawan remained the highest grossing film of 2023, with Pathaan taking second place. Even in the second week following their premieres, both of these movies continuously brought in double digits at the box office, demonstrating their dominance. Though it did not achieve the same level of success as its predecessors, Dunki still did fairly well internationally. It is currently 2023’s seventh-highest grosser.
Topics #box office #Dunki #Red Chillies Entertainment #Salaar #Shah Rukh Khan