After its theatrical premiere earlier this year, the Tamil thriller White Rose, which stars Kayal Anandhi and RK Suresh, is scheduled to make its OTT debut. The Rajashekar-directed movie, which was produced by Poombarai Murugan Productions, debuted in theatres on April 5, 2024. The film, which received mixed reviews during its theatrical run, will now be released digitally on Aha Tamil on December 27, 2024, reaching a larger audience with its gripping story.
When and Where to Watch White Rose
Beginning December 27, 2024, White Rose will be streamed on the over-the-top platform Aha Tamil. This enables moviegoers who were unable to attend its theatrical debut to enjoy the film in the convenience of their own homes.
Official Trailer and Plot of White Rose
The movie follows a middle-class woman whose life unravels after her husband dies tragically in an unintentional police encounter. She struggles with loss, gets weak, and ultimately is captured by a psychotic captor. When her young daughter is abducted, things get worse and she finds herself in a difficult predicament.
Her terrifying adventure to free herself from captivity and save her kid is the main subject of the compelling story, which tells of her perseverance in the face of hardship. A thrilling movie experience is provided by the compelling plot and profound emotional depth.
Cast and Crew of White Rose
With the help of an ensemble cast that includes Rooso Sreedharan, Vijjith, Baby Nakshatra, Sasi Laya, Suliyan Bharani, Rittika Chakraborthy, and others, Kayal Anandhi and RK Suresh play important roles in the movie. Johan Shevanesh is the composer of the music, Elayaraja V is in charge of the cinematography, and Gopikrishna is in charge of the editing. Under the auspices of Poombarai Murugan Productions, N Ranjani executed the production, while Uthraa Productions handled distribution.
Reception of White Rose
When White Rose was released in theatres, critics gave it mixed reviews, highlighting both the main actors’ performances and the story’s shortcomings.
Topics #Aha Tamil Updates #OTT Releases #White Rose Movie