The much awaited 2024 Malayalam movie I Am Kathalan is the second collaboration between actor Nasleen K. Gafoor and filmmaker Girish AD, following the success of Premalu. I Am Kathalan created a great deal of online buzz even though it didn’t achieve the same level of success as Premalu. The movie is now scheduled for an OTT release after a successful theatrical run on November 7, 2024.

I Am Kathalan OTT Release

On January 17, 2025, the eagerly awaited film I Am Kathalan will launch exclusively on the well-known streaming service Manorama Max (OTT). Fans are excited since Manorama Max has now confirmed that the film would be streamed on its platform, as previously stated.

About the movie

The captivating 2024 Indian Malayalam-language techno crime thriller I Am Kathalan has been causing a stir in the film industry. The film, which was directed by the gifted Girish A. D., was co-produced by Tinu Thomas and produced by Dr. Paul Varghese and Krishnamoorthy under the Dr. Paul Entertainment label. Sajin Cherukayil wrote the screenplay for the movie, crafting a sophisticated and captivating story that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

Naslen K. Gafoor, Anishma Anilkumar, Lijomol Jose, Dileesh Pothan, Vineeth Vasudeva, Sajin Cherukayil, Vineeth Viswam, and Arjun K. all play important roles in the film’s outstanding ensemble cast. When the movie was formally revealed on November 24, 2022, fans and moviegoers were excited. The film’s voyage to the big screen began on December 29, 2022, when main photography began in Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, Kerala, after the announcement.

Topics #CrimeThriller #IAmKathalan #MalayalamMovies #OTTUpdates