Bachchala Malli, a Telugu film starring Allari Naresh, is now available on OTT. The movie, which was written and directed by Subbu Mangadevv, debuted on December 20, 2024, in theatres. Streaming of the movie is now possible. Bachchala Malli would be the ideal treat for Telugu fans as Pongal approaches.

Amritha Aiyer and Allari Narsh play the main parts in the action-packed drama Bachchala Malli. As on January 10, the Telugu movie may be streamed on ETV Win. Additionally, Sun NXT will offer the movie for mobile watching.

The story of Malli (Allari Naresh), a bright and aspirational young man, is told in Bachchala Malli, which is set in the village of Suravaram in Tuni, Andhra Pradesh. After his father’s error causes a significant argument between them and makes Malli defiant, his life takes a challenging turn. But when Malli falls in love with Kaveri (Amritha Aiyer), things start to change.

Bachchala Malli has a strong supporting cast that includes Hari Teja, Rao Ramesh, Sai Kumar, Kota Jayaram, Rohini, Dhanraj, Harsha Chemudu, Achyuth Kumar, Ankith Koyya, and Harsh Roshan in important roles, in addition to Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer. The film was produced by Razesh Danda and Balaji Gutta under the Hasya Movies brand. Richard M. Nathan did the cinematography, Chota K. Prasad did the editing, and Vishal Chandrasekhar composed the music.

Topics #Allari Naresh Movies #OTT Releases #Streaming Updates #Telugu Cinema