New footage from Captain America: Brave New World was recently released by Marvel Studios, and it includes a notable reference to Black Panther. Sam Wilson’s enhanced wings are featured in the most recent TV commercial, which alludes to a Wakandan-inspired power that was previously seen in T’Challa’s costume. The video shows how Sam’s newfound powers will be essential to his fight against the Red Hulk and other dangers in the next movie.

Captain America: Brave New World teases Sam Wilson’s Black Panther skills.

A Black Panther-themed Easter egg is revealed in a Captain America 4: Brave New World TV commercial. Similar to the technology in King T’Challa’s suit, which absorbs blows and stores kinetic energy for offensive usage, the video shows Sam Wilson’s wings glowing purple with kinetic energy.

In his first solo MCU picture as Captain America, Anthony Mackie will take on formidable foes including the Leader and the Red Hulk. Sam Wilson will be able to combat these threats with the assistance of the Captain America shield and the improved Wakandan wings.

The purple energy that charges Sam’s wings as they absorb each blow during his fight with Thunderbolt Ross (Red Hulk) suggests that he has the ability to absorb kinetic energy. T’Challa’s Black Panther suit, which was shown in Black Panther and other MCU movies, was the first to use this function, according to Shuri.

Compared to his prior equipment from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam’s new wings are a major improvement. His previous wings were unable to store or absorb kinetic energy. This update shows how Wakanda continues to influence his MCU equipment.

Sam Wilson faces two major threats throughout the storyline. The Leader returns with almost superhuman intelligence from The Incredible Hulk (2008). Harrison Ford’s character Red Hulk, the changed President of the United States, is a physical threat.

February 14 is the release date for Captain America: Brave New World. Sam Wilson’s development as Captain America and his application of cutting-edge Wakandan technology will be highlighted.

Topics #Black Panther #Brave New World #Captain America #MCU Easter Egg