Last November 15, Anand Sreebala, starring Arjun Ashokan, was released on theatres. At the box office, the Vishnu Vinay-directed film elicited a range of favourable and mediocre reviews. The mystery thriller is now ready for its internet debut after months of anticipation.

When and where to watch Anand Sreebala

You can watch Anand Sreebala right now on Amazon Prime Video. Beginning January 18, the film will also be accessible on Manorama Max. The announcement was posted on the OTT platform’s social media accounts. They announced, “The thriller movie Anand Sreebala, written by Abhilash Pillai and directed by Vishnu Vinay and starring Arjun Ashokan, Aparna Das, and Sangeetha, will be released on Manorama Max from January 18.”

Official trailer and plot of Anand Sreebala

A young man with a difficult past who wants to join the Kerala police is the subject of Anand Sreebala, starring Arjun Ashokan. He passes the physical examinations, but his mental health problems cause him to fail the medical ones.

The revelation that Anand’s mother, Sreebala, was murdered by thugs changes the course of the film. Anand experiences hallucinations of his mother as a result of this terrible event, and his confidence is boosted by her presence.

Sreebala, Anand’s girlfriend, is a journalist looking into the Merin death case. Her actions resulted in the case being revisited after it was initially declared a suicide. She and Anand work together to discover the truth. In the meantime, the police also look into the issue under the direction of Sankar (Saiju Kurup).

The movie centres on whether Anand contributes to the case’s resolution and how the closed suicide case is revealed to be a murder.

Cast and crew of Anand Sreebala

Arjun Ashokan leads a superb ensemble in Anand Sreebala. Sangita Madhavan Nair also appears in the movie. Malavika Manoj portrays Merin Joy, while Aparna Das plays another crucial role as Sreebala. Kottayam Nazeer plays Pradeep, while Siddique plays Isaac. Abhilash Pillai wrote the screenplay, while Vishnu Vinay is the director.

Topics #Arjun Ashokan #OTT release #Streaming Platforms #Thriller Movies