The third installment of the two-part series based on Natsuki Kizu’s beloved Given manga is titled Given. This project is being overseen by the animation company Lerche, which is renowned for bringing famous series like Danganronpa and Fate to life.

The creative vision of the film is directed by the outstanding Noriko Hashimoto, whose previous works include Laid-Back Camp and Tomo-chan Is a Girl!.

Lerche and Hashimoto hope to use their experience to provide a satisfactory ending that honours Kizu’s original tale.

Given movie 3 release date

An update on its official website dated July 15, 2024 states that the film will open in Japanese theatres on September 20, 2024.

A worldwide release has not yet been announced.

Official poster and key visual

Alongside the trailer, the official movie poster and key visual were released. The major cast of the film includes Akihiko Kaji, Ritsuka Uenoyama, Haruki Nakayama, and Mafuyu Satou.

Voice actors, seiyuu, and characters

Mafuyu SatouShougo Yano
Ritsuka UenoyamaYuuma Uchida
Haruki NakayamaMasatomo Nakazawa
Akihiko KajiTakuya Eguchi
Shizusumi YagiTaito Ban
Hiiragi KashimaFumiya Imai
Ugetsu MurataShintaro Asanuma

Given movie 3 trailer and story

In Given’s last film, Ritsuka tries to support Mafuyu through music while the band receives a major label debut offer and Mafuyu struggles with his affections for Rikka and music.

Topics #Anime Movie Trailer #Movie Release Date #Seiyuu Cast #Umi e Story