Danny says, “I just want to take a moment to thank my fans. My fans have given so much to me and I am so grateful. I love my fans.
When I first started my musical career I had no fans. Not one. Other than my mom, who was my number one fan, and still is.

Doing what I do is hard. Day in and day out, working as hard as I do — it’s tough. But when I’m burning the midnight oil, putting my everything into a project, what keeps me going are the fans. Knowing my fans are out there supporting me means the world.

I’m truly lucky to have such incredible fans. I am a fan of my fans for being fans of me.

Danny shared an instance when sometimes fans will approach him on the street, when he is just walking around, “they’ll come up to me and say things like, “hey, I’m a huge fan” or “I just want you to know what a huge fan I am.” He always loves talking to his fans. Often times fans will want to take a photo with him, and he always does.

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