On December 20, Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, debuted on huge screens amidst fierce competition at the box office. The movie is doing well in theatres despite competing with blockbusters like UI and Viduthalai Part 2. According to sources, a significant streaming service has purchased the movie’s digital rights after it became popular. This implies that Marco may launch its OTT service earlier than anticipated.

When and where to watch Marco

Marco will begin streaming on Netflix in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Hindi, according to social media rumours. According to reports, the film would appear digitally 45 days following its theatrical run. This indicates that either the final week of January or the first week of February will see the release of the Unni Mukundan film on the over-the-top platform.

Additionally, it is explained that the OTT version of Marco will have a longer runtime that includes all of the deleted scenes in addition to other content.

Official Trailer and Plot of Marco

Victor, a blind guy, watches his companion Wasim being killed. By recognising Russell Isaac’s scent and vehicle, he is able to identify him as the murderer. Russell and Tariq, Wasim’s brother, conspire to carry out the murder. Russell brutally attacks Victor and kills him to quiet him. Victor’s brother, George Peter, is devastated by the loss. After learning of the news, Marco, their adopted brother, returns from Italy.

In addition, he disregards Peter’s entreaties to refrain from violence and swears to exact revenge for Victor’s passing. After discovering Tony Isaac’s treachery, Marco finds out that Victor’s pregnant girlfriend, Isha, is being held captive. He murders Tony in a lethal altercation after trapping him.

The Adattu family is attacked by Russell and his adopted brother Cyrus. They take her newborn infant and murder everyone, including Isha and Maria, Marco’s fiancé. Despite his severe injuries, Marco is unyielding. In their factory, he confronts Russell and Cyrus. As Marco struggles to save the infant in the climactic scene, the film further takes a sharp turn and becomes graphic.

Cast and Crew of Marco

The main character in Marco is played by Unni Mukundan, while Siddique plays George D’Peter. Kabir Duhan Singh portrays Cyrus Isaac, while Jagadish plays Tony Isaac. One of Tony’s devoted goons, Devaraj, also called Dev, is portrayed by Anson Paul. Yukti Thareja, on the other hand, portrays Maria in the film.

Haneef Adeni is the director and writer of Marco, while Chandru Selvaraj is in charge of the photography. Ravi Basrur wrote the music, and Shameer Muhammad handled the editing.

Topics #ActionThriller #MarcoOTTRelease #StreamingNow #UnniMukundan