Siddharth and Ashika Ranganath’s film Miss You debuted on December 13 in the midst of fierce competition from films like Pushpa 2. The plot of the film caused viewers to give it varying evaluations when it first came out. The movie will now, however, debut digitally on a well-known OTT site.
When and where to watch Miss You
Beginning on January 26, Siddharth’s romantic comedy Miss You will be available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. According to reports, the movie would only be available in Telugu and Tamil. However, the producers are anticipated to make an official statement shortly.
Official trailer and plot of Miss You
The theme of the romance drama Miss You is love and second chances. The movie centres on Siddharth’s character, Vasu, an ambitious filmmaker who suffers a vehicle accident and loses his memories. In addition to having an impact on his own life, this incident links him to Singarayan.
Vasu makes friends with Bobby, a coffee shop owner in Bengaluru who is portrayed by Karunakaran. Bobby helps Vasu on his quest for self-awareness. At first sight, Vasu falls in love with Ashika Ranganath’s character, Subbulakshmi (Subbu). But she turns him down when he pops the question. Vasu’s character is complicated by this rejection, which also advances the plot.
As the narrative progresses, Vasu discovers that he and Subbu were wed prior to the disaster but later fell out of love. The specifics of their relationship and the causes of their breakup are disclosed through flashbacks.
Cast and crew of Miss You
Siddharth, Ashika Ranganath, and a strong ensemble cast are all included in Miss You. Karunakaran, Lollusabha Maran, Bala, Sastika, Jayaprakash, and Sharath Lohitashwa play important parts in the movie. The film is produced by Samuel Mathew and directed by N. Rajasekar.
Ghibran wrote the music for the movie, and K.G. Venkatesh did the photography. While Dinesh Kasi choreographs the action scenes, Dinesh Ponraj handles the editing. The screenplay was also written by N. Rajasekar, and Mohan Rajan provided the song lyrics.
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