The highly anticipated remake of the phenomenally popular Malayalam thriller “Drishyam,” which is a first for an Indian film, is set to further boost the stature of Indian cinema. Both the Indian and Chinese markets have seen tremendous success with the original “Drishyam,” which starred Mohanlal in the title role.
Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi remakes of this cult franchise have cemented its reputation as a remarkable thriller. With the production of an English film adaptation being produced by Panorama Studios in association with Gulfstream Pictures and JOAT Films, Jeetu Joseph’s “Drishyam” is now poised to make its mark in Hollywood.
The international remake rights of “Drishyam” and its follow-up “Drishyam 2” have been acquired by Panorama Studios from Aashirvad Cinemas, the original producers.
Karz and Bindley of Gulfstream shared their excitement in a joint statement, calling the movie a classic thriller that has captured the attention of viewers all over the world. They can’t wait to share this compelling tale with American audiences.
With “Drishyam” becoming a Hollywood success, curiosity exists as to whether other Indian movies will attract Western audiences and become major players in the world of film. This action points to a positive trend toward increased appreciation and recognition of Indian cinema abroad.
Topics #Aashirvad Cinemas #Drishyam #Gulfstream Pictures #Hollywood #Jeetu Joseph #Mohanlal #Panorama Studios