The upcoming romantic comedy Darling’s creators decided to launch a significant advertising campaign with frequent updates. More significantly, all of the advertising materials were well appreciated, especially the theatrical trailer that revealed the movie’s narrative. The release trailer was unveiled on Monday at the pre-release event, which was attended by Natural Star Nani, who was the principal guest.

Split Personality Disorder

Darling is expected to tell the tale of a young couple with disparate personas. Priyadarshi and his buddies have a humorous conversation at the beginning of the trailer, which sets the tone for humour. The union of Darshi and Nabha Natesh is a love story. But Darshi doesn’t become aware that his bride has a split personality until after they are married. The primary focus of the narrative is how Nabha’s illness impacts their married life.

Priyadarshi And Nabha Natesh Complement Each Other

Nabha Natesh was given a substantial role, whereas Priyadarshi appeared innocent. The humour comes from Darshi’s responses to Nabha’s acts. Aswin Raam has good writing and taking skills. All of his technicians are providing him with excellent support. Produced by PrimeShow Entertainment’s K Niranjan Reddy and Smt Chaitanya, the production quality is superb. Together, music director Vivek Sagar and DOP Naresh Ramadurai enhanced the overall experience.

Topics #Darling #Nani #Priyadarshi #Teaser Trailer