The 2024 Tamil film Once Upon a Time in Madras, which stars Bharath and an ensemble cast, is getting ready for its over-the-top (OTT) premiere. The linked thriller movie is scheduled to debut on Aha Tamil starting on January 17. OTTplay Premium offers Aha Tamil as one of its services.
Once Upon A Time in Madras OTT Release Date
Title | Once Upon A Time in Madras |
Cast | Bharath, Abhirami, Anjali Nair, Pavithra Lakshmi |
Director | Prasadh Murugan |
OTT platform | Aha Tamil |
OTT release date | January 17 |
Prasadh Murugan is the writer and director of Once Upon a Time in Madras, which opened in theatres on December 13. The movie is getting ready for an over-the-top (OTT) release following a month-long run in theatres. Aha Tamil and OTTplay Premium will host the launch of Once Upon a Time in Madras.
Stars Bharath, Abhirami, Anjali Nair, and Pavithra Lakshmi are among the cast members of Once Upon a Time in Madras. Supported by Captain MP Anand under Friday Film Factory, the movie centres on the accidental discovery of a pistol and the resulting impact on the lives of four individuals.
Jose Franklin composed the music for Once Upon a Time in Madras, and San Lokesh was in charge of editing. The camera has been turned on by R Kannan and KS Kalidoss.
What are Other Latest Releases on Aha Tamil and OTTplay Premium
In honour of Pongal, Aha Tamil has released new content. The most recent Tamil crime comedy, Soodhu Kavvum 2, starring Mirchi Shiva, is also accessible on the site, along with the online series Vera Maari Trip, which releases new episodes every week. Another Tamil movie that is available on Aha Tamil and OTTplay Premium is Family Padam. The portal has been persistent in growing its Tamil content library and has obtained a number of post-theatrical rights to 2024 Tamil films.
Topics #CrimeThriller #HyperlinkCinema #OnceUponATimeInMadras #OTTRelease