Based on the same-titled manga by Takashi Imashiro, GKIDS has finally revealed the Blu-ray and digital release dates for its newest fantasy coming-of-age anime film, Ghost Cat Anzu. This follows the film’s November 2024 theatrical launch in the United States.

“Precocious tween Karin finds herself abandoned by her father in rural Japan. Living in a temple with her grandfather, she meets Anzu, a giant ‘ghost cat’ and notorious layabout tasked with looking after her,” reads the synopsis. “Distrustful of her new guardian, Karin sabotages Anzu’s odd jobs for the townsfolk and befriends the eccentric local forest spirits. In an effort to win Karin over, Anzu accidentally makes a deal with the devil, and all Hell breaks loose.”

When is the Ghost Cat Anzu Blu-ray & Digital Release Dates?

Beginning on January 26, Ghost Cat Anzu will be rented or purchased online. On March 4, its Blu-ray release—which will come with extra features—will come next. Based on more than fifty reviews, the movie has received an 86% Popcornmeter rating on Rotten Tomatoes since its premiere.

Yôko Kuno and Nobuhiro Yamashita are the artists who directed the anime film, and Keiichi Suzuki (EarthBound) is the composer. Among the cast members are Keiichi Suzuki as Oshô, Mirai Moriyama as Anzu, Noa Gotô as Karin, Munetaka Aoki as Tetsuya, and Miwako Ichikawa as Yuzuki. This was the first live-action picture that Yôko Kuno directed, and the animation was rotoscoped from the live-action material. Shin-Ei Animation and Miyu Productions are the producers, and Shout! Studios is in charge of distribution.

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